10 Things That Make Ph Ugly

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10 things that make PH ugly this is from todays inquirer so do you agree or disagree1. Billboards from hell, the scourge of ad tarps—In just less than a decade, the urban landscape has been “uglified” by these gigantic outdoor ads that have defied regulation. Many times they have brought death and injury to people and destruction to property. Who would like to be in a place like that?2. Garbage, garbage, garbage on the streets, in the creeks, rivers, seas and shorelines—Ugly, smelly and unsanitary, they have been a big cause of pollution, flooding, disease. Year in and year out we blame garbage for our flooding woes but…3. “Spaghetti” cables—Look up and see snarled power and phone cables looking like cobwebs hanging on the Philippine sky. They’re not only ugly, they’re also dangerous when they became too heavy and fall because of their sheer weight.4. Sticky matter left behind by spitters and nosepickers—Footbridges, overpasses, sidewalks, churchyards, markets and waiting sheds have lots of these shimmering blobs.5. Buildings in a state of disrepair or with ugly architecture—Metro Manila has lots of these unsightly neglected structures that should be condemned and demolished. Many cities in the world have that certain look and feel that the design of their buildings, homes and other structures provide. We have not evolved our own look.6. Potholes galore, bad roads.7. Dirty toilets.8. Untrimmed trees, neglected public parks and gardens.9. Traffic and too many unregulated public vehicles, plus the noise and pollution they make.10. Extreme poverty—This is not to say that the poor and homeless are ugly. It is poverty that is deathly ugly.full story here http://opinion.inqui...at-make-PH-ugly

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Mr Lee
10 things that make PH ugly this is from todays inquirer so do you agree or disagree1. Billboards from hell, the scourge of ad tarps—In just less than a decade, the urban landscape has been “uglified” by these gigantic outdoor ads that have defied regulation. Many times they have brought death and injury to people and destruction to property. Who would like to be in a place like that?2. Garbage, garbage, garbage on the streets, in the creeks, rivers, seas and shorelines—Ugly, smelly and unsanitary, they have been a big cause of pollution, flooding, disease. Year in and year out we blame garbage for our flooding woes but…3. “Spaghetti” cables—Look up and see snarled power and phone cables looking like cobwebs hanging on the Philippine sky. They’re not only ugly, they’re also dangerous when they became too heavy and fall because of their sheer weight.4. Sticky matter left behind by spitters and nosepickers—Footbridges, overpasses, sidewalks, churchyards, markets and waiting sheds have lots of these shimmering blobs.5. Buildings in a state of disrepair or with ugly architecture—Metro Manila has lots of these unsightly neglected structures that should be condemned and demolished. Many cities in the world have that certain look and feel that the design of their buildings, homes and other structures provide. We have not evolved our own look.6. Potholes galore, bad roads.7. Dirty toilets.8. Untrimmed trees, neglected public parks and gardens.9. Traffic and too many unregulated public vehicles, plus the noise and pollution they make.10. Extreme poverty—This is not to say that the poor and homeless are ugly. It is poverty that is deathly ugly.full story here http://opinion.inqui...at-make-PH-ugly
I tend to agree with all except for in the areas of new construction such as newer malls and upper crust housing, yet it has gotten better since I first started traveling to the PHL years ago, and isn't that how other countries were years ago, so the PHL is just 40 or so years behind the times in many of these areas, and BTW some depressed areas of the US are still that way today.  Now while this is not ugly, I do believe it also hurts the PHL because I do not seem to understand many of the commercials on TV, radio or on billboards that just give the name of a place or item and not what or where the place or item is, or what the item does or where it can be found, that is a waste of advertising space as far as I am concerned.    :e3364:  
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Dave Hounddriver

Should be #1 2. Garbage, garbage, garbageDefinitely #2 7. Dirty toilets.And #3 4. Sticky matter left behind . . (the writer seems to have forgotten urinaters and defacators, both human and animal)The poster' items 8, 9 and 10 are really reaching. Looks like he is trying very hard to find an even 10 things. Although there is tremendous insight in the first 7 items I thoroughly disagree with item 10Poverty is the catch all of blame. Everything is blamed on poverty including, it seems, ugliness. I have been poor. It does not have to be ugly. My wife's family are poor. They are the cleanest, brightest, friendliest, cheerfulest, nicest, NON UGLIEST people you could ever want to meet.

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And Sporty Summer Ware. trash.jpg

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Tom in Texas

11. Foreigners. th_thholysheep.gif

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#12. No toilet paper in public or in the in-law's comfort room! SugarwareZ-034.gif

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1. Billboards from hell -- becomes missile hazards during typhoon season2. Garbage, garbage, garbage -- famous landmark in Manila called Smokey Mt, provides livelihood for scavengers and buffet for the rat population3. “Spaghetti” cables -- thousands of illegal connections, fire hazards and increase bills for paying customers, water pipes same chit4. Sticky matter left behind by spitters and nosepickers -- definite bio hazards along with running a gauntlet of dog and carabao chit5. Buildings in a state of disrepair -- place any bets that some of those glistening towers are NOT built to code, most of Manila area are man made reclamation with poor foundation6. Potholes galore, bad roads -- caused by extreme weather conditions exacerbated by poor work ethics (lowest bidder with highest bribery)7. Dirty toilets -- I would rather piss against a wall or go to the nearest bush to take a chit8. Untrimmed trees, neglected public parks and gardens -- it's a jungle out there.....9. Traffic and too many unregulated public vehicles, plus the noise and pollution -- pure road anarchy with jeepneys and tricycles the king of the road10. Extreme poverty -- will NOT improve in my lifetimeAdditional items observed (beyond the tourist stage, for semi or permanent residence):Personal space is none existent, it's nuts to butts out thereCutting in line is the norm in jeepney sheds, in Jolibee, in bus stations (they actually crawl through the windows)Gossiping (tsimis) is down to pure science, sometimes used for military and police investigationsName dropping or connections -- don't you know who I am or my 4th cousin is a PNP major, so I'm untouchable Guns, goons and gold is the work of the biggest gang in PI (government, police and military officials)Loud karaoke singing "My Way" which leads to extreme violence during "drinking sessions"Crab mentality, jealousy followed by false tsimisStaring at my wife like she was nakedStaring at ME like I was naked I'm done -- Jake

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Tom in Texas
Staring at my wife like she was nakedStaring at ME like I was naked
Jake.... they are going to stare at your wife even if she wears a burka...... but, in your case... I suggest that you put some clothes on and solve the problem. nudie.gif
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Staring at my wife like she was nakedStaring at ME like I was naked
Jake.... they are going to stare at your wife even if she wears a burka...... but, in your case... I suggest that you put some clothes on and solve the problem. nudie.gif
As Art can personally validate with his own eyes, I'm bald at both ends.......he, he. First time I was exposed like I was a person of interestwas when a massager ask me if I wanted a "sensation" at the end of the massage. I quickly became sober enough to see beyond "his"cleavage and noticed "his" large hands. My fellow shipmates set me up again.......I get no respect sometimes -- JakePS -- it may not be one of the ugly sides of PI because some of these benny-boys are quite beautiful (after a couple pitchers of MoJo)
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