How Forums Affect People!

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After giving my 2 centavos worth on a recent topic here, "Silent Treatment", I came upon a topic on another forum as I titled it above and copied and pasted some of their members comments below and is sort of similar to my views and opinions:People will be people. Some people make the best of a given situation, while the next person will make it insurmountable. Some people tend to enjoy life, while others will be forever unhappy no matter where they are.A balanced forum is ideal, even if you get some who will be turned away by the truth. If you omit the negatives you have a forum that has too many rosy colored glasses. This is as bad or worse than one that has only negatives. It is much better that new people coming here know and understand that this is not paradise, that there are problems. If you look at many of those who are most unhappy here, I think you will find that many of those same people came here with rosy glasses, naturally they are disappointed in their new paradise.As far as negative personalities, I have many more problems with fellow foreigners here than I do with Filipinos. Once you understand and accept the Filipino mindset and habits, things get much easier. Something about this country seems to attract every other country's rejects, and in my opinion they are harder to deal with than the Filipinos!Just my opinion,That is true we have to acccept the fact there is more foreigners here that just can't make ends meet back home and the little that they get gives them a better life here, even if its 3rd world. Unfortunately its true. Its not the norm here to find foreigners working here. I generally keep away from the expats. When I go for a quite beer in a bar after work its the same old complaining and whinging, I just don't want that or need it. If they don't like it here I tell them there is a airport just up the road which will lead you to a internation flight out. But I know they will live pretty tough back their.Most of my social friends here, Pinoy busness people. We play golf, wine and dine at each others house. Trips to Cebu etc. But all said and done some of the retired guys and girls who have chosen PI are very nice and relaxed and take things as they come. Don't get bothered by much and just let it all happen. Good for them.I find forums great for my needs. I am only seeking advice to speed my way thru govt bullsh&t.The real reason i have posted a bit later plus the suggestions. And why not ? Even Industry giants change. because they listen to others and then careful weigh their opinions.I believe that the negative points of view are a necessity to point out that everything is not perfect and I have never seen negative remarks that weren't challenged by positive outlooks. I don't feel that a post should be removed just because it takes a negative point of view of life in the Philippines. If a post is offensive, is a personal attack, or if strays to far from the subject that it can't be brought back it should be removed. Now my next point is just my personal opinion. It appears to me that those living in the province are happier in general with life in the Philippines than those living in the city. Notice that I said in general meaning not everyone. It just seems to me that there are less complaints from those in the province.

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Dave Hounddriver

As I read the opening post, I learn more about the attitude of the writer than about how forums affect people. The comments like:"As far as negative personalities, I have many more problems with fellow foreigners here than I do with Filipinos."And". . . we have to acccept the fact there is more foreigners here that just can't make ends meet back home . . ."remind me of the phrase "holier than thou" and, as a rule, this is the kind of foreigner that I stay away from so we both win. Personally, I don't see a lot of difference between foreigners and locals. I like the ones I like and dislike the ones I dislike, with no sense of nationality involved.Now as to how forums affect people. They have proven to be a great source of information and encouragement to me as well as helping me to form some great friendships. I think the world is better with them than without them. I do tend to pick and choose what forums I participate in by the quality of topics and moderation. I really enjoy this one at this time but more content would be nice. Come on and post, people.

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