Bi Will Get You

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This just highlights, there's no where to hide anymore.AddEmoticons04230.gifMANILA - Philippine authorities said Tuesday they arrested a Japanese man wanted over a fake marriage scam after he walked into the immigration bureau to renew his own visa.Immigration deputy chief Ronaldo Ledesma said Yoshifumi Fujii, 49, was promptly arrested after a surprise appearance at the bureau's Manila headquarters last week to renew his expired visa."We were already looking for him after authorities in Tokyo requested assistance, but he basically walked into his own detention," Ledesma told AFP."Japanese police and Interpol agents will arrive soon to bring him back to Japan and he will also be blacklisted from returning here."Fujii operated a crime syndicate preying on Filipino women willing to pay money for fake Japanese marriages, Ledesma said."He charges them money and arranges the marriages with Japanese men. Once the woman arrives in Japan, she can now work and the man later leaves or divorces her," he said."It also works both ways, because the Japanese man can now stay in the Philippines and put up businesses."Ledesma said investigations by Japanese authorities discovered that Fujii had entered fake documents in the marriage registries at several towns in Japan's Aichi prefecture.Some of the couples were arrested in May last year, but Fujii fled to the Philippines before police could enforce an arrest warrant issued by a local court.

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About a year ago, BI created a Interpol group with access to the Interpol database.Since that time, there have been many bust as people come into the country.I'm guessing that in the past it was easy to run here because the PI lacked that. It is just a guess though and who knows how many still get through.

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Hmmm GOOD IDEA!!!!!

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About a year ago, BI created a Interpol group with access to the Interpol database.Since that time, there have been many bust as people come into the country.I'm guessing that in the past it was easy to run here because the PI lacked that. It is just a guess though and who knows how many still get through.
I'm at the BoI almost every day and over the past 6 months have seen about 10 people escorted outside to a van in handcuffs. In the previous 2 !/2 years I saw one!Paul
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  • 4 months later...
Call me bubba

Fugitive search unit formedTHE Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced that it has created a new unit tasked to run after foreign fugitives hiding in the country. Immigration Commissioner Ricardo David Jr. said he approved the establishment of a fugitive search unit (FSU) in the bureau to replace the BI Interpol Unit. The FSU will be headed by BI intelligence officer Uso Dan Salasim and will be complemented by a pool of intelligence operatives. David said the FSU’s primary function is to locate, undertake surveillance and conduct operations against wanted foreign fugitives from justice who have entered and sought refuge in the country. FSU was also tasked to coordinate with other law enforcement agencies here and abroad, including the Interpol and police attachés, and the various foreign embassies in Manila on matters pertaining to foreign fugitives in the Philippines. According to BI Spokesperson Maria Antonette Mangrobang, the FSU remains under the direct supervision of the BI intelligence division, which shall then report the unit’s activities and accomplishments to the BI commissioner. Also, it was learned that FSU’s operatives may only arrest a foreign fugitive on the strength of a mission order duly issued by the BI commissioner. Mangrobang said that David will not act on a request by the FSU for the issuance of a mission order against a foreign fugitive unless such request was endorsed by the intelligence chief. Based on BI records, a total of 14 alien fugitives, mostly Americans, were arrested and deported by the Bureau since David became immigration chief last March................................................................................................................................................................................................................Seems that they are now serious about trying to catch those that are wanted by their home country.

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BI got a link into Interpol computers about two years ago, they've been stopping more people at the border ever since.I wonder how common it is though, maybe more common than I thought.I know, Filipino often probe you as to why you are here. I think in part it is their usual close family ties here that make it very hard for them to understand how we can just move to the other side of the world. Not a problem for me, though I wish it was. I'd still be here though I think.Often times, I get the strong feeling they are probing to see if I'm running from the law. I don't really appreciate those questions and close down on them pretty fast, not offering much of a reply to them.Maybe there are a lot of fugitives here but I don't think so. I would have thought it would be hard to get out of the country if you were wanted.

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