Maids / Home Helps

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Maids are members of a highly sophisticated intelligence gathering network. Whatever you say or do in the privacy of your home is fair game. It will become part of the gossip mill.
:no: and that, imo, is the #1 argument for not having one.
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Steve & Myrlita
Maids are members of a highly sophisticated intelligence gathering network. Whatever you say or do in the privacy of your home is fair game. It will become part of the gossip mill.
:no: and that, imo, is the #1 argument for not having one.
Others have referred to that as the "Bamboo Network". Not my quote, just repeating another.
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We prefer live-out maids since we enjoy our privacy too much! We never let our maid get an ear shot of any of our private conversations, because of the "Bamboo Network"! :cheers:

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I have a keeper now, but know they do not last long as they become homesick. This girl is a machine. Incredibly shy though...phobia like, which I have never seen with a filipino. She's finally used to me though as we hired her when I just got back to the USA to get my eye surgeries. I asked her if she wanted a raise to 4,000 pesos from 3 (she's that good), or me to hire another helper to keep her company...she wanted the new girl. So, being this one does not cook western foods, and the GF takes care of that...I could use a lady to take care of the shopping, western cooking (mine) and an occasional massage (in the presence of the GF of course.. lifting heavy weights at my age causes some serious muscle soreness and it's really not hard to give a massage). We hire a gardener to come once a month (300 pesos) to cut the lawn and plants....does a great job. I enjoy my privacy, but I don't find a few helpers in the house any invasion as all (that IMHO would depend upon an individual and what would bother them regarding privacy)....and FAR more helpful versus the fact I need to be in shorts over my bikini undies all the time now. So, I buy some boxer shorts...who's to tell the difference? Maids IMHO are a GREAT GREAT advantage of living here...and in the cost comparison section, this is a huge plus in the Philippines favor. Hell, even in Panama or Costa Rica you would need to spend over 200 USD for a live in, on a month salary, while you CAN hire one here for less then 40...although IMHO, you will get what you pay for, and at that salary you will revolve quickly. Another thing, get an older maid. The young ones seem to be into texting beyond normal standards.... and porn on my computer. :cheers:

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Steve & Myrlita
I have a keeper now, but know they do not last long as they become homesick. This girl is a machine. Incredibly shy though...phobia like, which I have never seen with a filipino. She's finally used to me though as we hired her when I just got back to the USA to get my eye surgeries. I asked her if she wanted a raise to 4,000 pesos from 3 (she's that good), or me to hire another helper to keep her company...she wanted the new girl. So, being this one does not cook western foods, and the GF takes care of that...I could use a lady to take care of the shopping, western cooking (mine) and an occasional massage (in the presence of the GF of course.. lifting heavy weights at my age causes some serious muscle soreness and it's really not hard to give a massage). We hire a gardener to come once a month (300 pesos) to cut the lawn and plants....does a great job. I enjoy my privacy, but I don't find a few helpers in the house any invasion as all (that IMHO would depend upon an individual and what would bother them regarding privacy)....and FAR more helpful versus the fact I need to be in shorts over my bikini undies all the time now. So, I buy some boxer shorts...who's to tell the difference? Maids IMHO are a GREAT GREAT advantage of living here...and in the cost comparison section, this is a huge plus in the Philippines favor. Hell, even in Panama or Costa Rica you would need to spend over 200 USD for a live in, on a month salary, while you CAN hire one here for less then 40...although IMHO, you will get what you pay for, and at that salary you will revolve quickly. Another thing, get an older maid. The young ones seem to be into texting beyond normal standards.... and porn on my computer. :unsure:
Also I suggest you do not hire one who is married with young children.. The slightest problem from home with their children or their husband and they will either just not even show up to work w/o notice or explanation, or just quit all together. Also, if there are family problem in her house, she will make you part of it causing a controlling husband to visit you with red in his eyes. Best to have them single or widowed and no kids or older kids. To each there own and adding my 2 centavos.
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Dave Hounddriver
Also I suggest you do not hire one who is married with young children.. The slightest problem from home with their children or their husband and they will either just not even show up to work w/o notice or explanation, or just quit all together. Also, if there are family problem in her house, she will make you part of it causing a controlling husband to visit you with red in his eyes. Best to have them single or widowed and no kids or older kids. To each there own and adding my 2 centavos.
I do not dispute the logic but there is more you may not have considered. The Philippines has extremely prejudicial hiring practices so I hired a lady who is over 30, married, with preteen children and the logic is: She cannot easily get a job anywhere else so she bends over backwards to be sure we are happy with her and she does not expect a high wage. There has been the occasional day (very few of them) where a family problem causes her to be late for work but so far nothing we cannot deal with.
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Also I suggest you do not hire one who is married with young children.. The slightest problem from home with their children or their husband and they will either just not even show up to work w/o notice or explanation, or just quit all together. Also, if there are family problem in her house, she will make you part of it causing a controlling husband to visit you with red in his eyes. Best to have them single or widowed and no kids or older kids. To each there own and adding my 2 centavos.
I do not dispute the logic but there is more you may not have considered. The Philippines has extremely prejudicial hiring practices so I hired a lady who is over 30, married, with preteen children and the logic is: She cannot easily get a job anywhere else so she bends over backwards to be sure we are happy with her and she does not expect a high wage. There has been the occasional day (very few of them) where a family problem causes her to be late for work but so far nothing we cannot deal with.
I agree. That has been my experience as well. Sometimes, on Saturdays, she will bring one of the children with her, but they have never gotten in the way of her getting her job done. In fact, the little girl works almost as hard as her mother when she comes.
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