No More Willing Willy

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Dave Hounddriver
Posted (edited)

As I write this, my wife and I are watching Willing Willy give his farewell speech on tv. I don't understand a word of what he is saying, which is unusual because he usually speaks a lot of English on his show.From what the wife tells me and what I see on the Internet, there is a lot of politics around the man's success and the advertisers are pulling out one by one, inexorably. So he just said thank you and that seems to be all folks.Goodbye Willing Willie(Edit, as I searched the Internet for more info, some are saying he is only going off air for 2 weeks. That was a heck of a speech if that is all it was. Wives are terrible translators when they are watching Willing Willy)

Edited by Dave Hounddriver
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Posted (edited)
As I write this, my wife and I are watching Willing Willy give his farewell speech on tv. I don't understand a word of what he is saying, which is unusual because he usually speaks a lot of English on his show.From what the wife tells me and what I see on the Internet, there is a lot of politics around the man's success and the advertisers are pulling out one by one, inexorably. So he just said thank you and that seems to be all folks.Goodbye Willing Willie(Edit, as I searched the Internet for more info, some are saying he is only going off air for 2 weeks. That was a heck of a speech if that is all it was. Wives are terrible translators when they are watching Willing Willy)
willie is a great performer, but his character is much consider in question Edited by oldutot
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He also said that he is going after all those people in court who slandered his name and he actually named a few names in his speech on TV! The reason he made a live speech on TV is because he's fed up with all the trash talk about him and now he is speaking up and going after those people! He said, he has done nothing wrong and the truth will all come out!

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Call me bubba
Posted (edited)

i am not the smartest person in the world. BUT how can you "SLANDER" a person if its the truth? HAS the heat. sexy women.late night parties :551:.lack of conscience or morals? affected his judgment? as if he had any judgment abilities to begin with.IF he leaves the show? will there be a "Holiday" ?:cheersty:

Edited by ed villas
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Willy is...dare I say.... free? :AddEmoticons04230:Maybe he will start a Charlie Sheen type tour..The Willing to Tear Dramatic Torpedo of Truth Drops, Defacing Is Not an Option TourWW.-Girls-Willing-Willie-Girls-400x300.jpg:cheersty:

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i am not the smartest person in the world. BUT how can you "SLANDER" a person if its the truth? HAS the heat. sexy women.late night parties :cheersty:.lack of conscience affected his judgment? as if he had any judgment abilities to begin with.
http://newsinfo.inqu...hit-Willie-showThis quotation was taken from the above news article: The boy tearfully performed the “macho dance” before a cheering audience in the March 12 episode of the show hosted by Willie Revillame and aired live by broadcast network TV5. He was handed P10,000 by Revillame for his performance.Now I wouldn't mind if his late night show continued with sexy ladies above (Inspector's post) but if that article is truethen he should have his "willy" punished.Jake
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And in case nobody reads the link Jake provides, the boy in question was 8.:th_thholysheep:That's messed up...

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Dave Hounddriver
And in case nobody reads the link Jake provides, the boy in question was 8.:th_thholysheep:That's messed up...
I have no idea what that fuss was all about so I have to ask, Would Maury Povich have aired it? He is my benchmark for as low as you can go on tv.
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Don't believe everything you read in the news media! as-if.gifABS-CBN has been on Willie Ravillame's case ever since he walked out on Wowwowee as their host and now ABS-CBN has hounded Ravillame nonstop since then! It seems obvious to many people that ABS-CBN is doing their darnest to harass and implicate Willie of any wrong doings, which they have yet to do and now they're being petty concerning this recent situation about the 6 yr old boy dancing on live TV! I also say, what's all the big fuss about? I've seen worst on other TV variety shows and nothing was said! It was no where close to being a controversial issue, but someone from ABS-CBN out for revenge thought so and probably used their corporate influence to make it a big issue via government agencies, the news media, show biz personnel and the internet. It's just mud slinging again due to the continuing petty bickering between Ravillame and ABS-CBN! Just have to wait and see in 2 weeks what the out come will be!

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They are saying he stole the format for his Willing Willie show from Wow Wow WeeThis is the alleged child abuse

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