Fixers/corrupt Officals

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Mr Lee
A question or suggestion depending on how one reads this....... Could some person open a NEW forum/website . w/the server outside the RP to list the problems of corruption that exists.I am not the smartest computer user. but if said site was in the RP ,yes it could cause problems but if site was located outside the RP. would that be less of an "ISSUE"? just curious. I have watched BITAG , althou i dont understand Tagalog. i do appreciate what these men do.maybe 1 could at least write the producers of "BITAG" with the issue/problems they have. who knows that could help. does any one remember the show 60MINUTES. they did have some stories that really changed peoples lives,\ a old joke 1 once heard, was if the 60 Minutes news crew showed up on your premises, YOU was IN DEEP :lol:
Most of these forums are hosted outside the Philippines, but it is not really where the forum is hosted, it is more about who the owner is, and who the posters are, and where they live. A foreigner would end up deported and banned, just for saying something about the Philippines in a private format, no less on an open forum. I guess a Filipino could get away with it, yet there have been a lot of journalists killed here, and I suspect some, if not all were killed because of something they either put in print, or they were investigating, to put in print at a later date. The Philippines is not Kansas, and as such none of us has any rights. I passed it along to a few people and time will tell if anyone would like to try it, but so far it is a definite no go for this forum, and I surely do not blame Tom, because neither he or I, or any of the mods wish to end up banned from this country, or worse.
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Just a suggestion for the forum guru' about a specific forum for all the members to list/relate experiences of corruption such as fixers or other "officials" soliciting bribes? I am thinking that if a list was compiled with as many specifics as possible, names, date, times..specifics...that this could be then forwarded to someone, somewhere and maybe by the sheer weight and steady occurance and specific information included, that SOMETHING just might get done about it. No axe grinding, just the facts. In our own way then, would we not being doing our civic duty to help clean up the country? Like I said...just a thought.
While I think this is a great idea, a foreigner can be put in jail or deported, just for maligning a Filipino, so I would say that it might be a bad idea for this forum to do, or any forum to do where the members are not totally anonymous, since some of us live in the Philippines or visit often. This might be a great idea for another completely new forum, but would there be enough activity and corruption to report, to make one active. :lol: Anyway that is just my personal opinion.
4thDan I agree it would be nice to think “we” could in some small way help eliminate corruption however this could very easily get one KILLED.I do respect your feelings and wanting to help better Philippines 4thDan but to meddle in those kinda affairs especially as a Foreigner would pose a high degree of personal risk. I too wish there were more we could do.
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Hasn't anyone watch the reality show "Bitag"? It's a crime fighting show "out to get the bad guys" by four influential brothers who are famous TV personalities in their own right as "crime fighters" of the Philippines! Check it out here: all law enforcers were as diligent as "Bitag", crime in the Philippines would surely be reduced dramatically, because the four brother crime fighting team can't do it all themselves!
Hey Pare,The link you provided, Bitag (trap) is an eye opener. Ben Tulfo is the hard charging investigative reporter who loves to expose the sins of corrupt officials. He makes every attempt to respond to all citizens that call his hot line. His brother Ramon Tulfo is my favorite columnist for Philippine Daily Inquirer. Both of them have been threaten many times but takes no chit from anybody. They are expert marksmanship in handguns, hand to hand combat and hits center mass with hidden cameras.Respectfully -- Jake
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Why would anyone think that nothing is being done about crimes in the Philippines? I've mentioned one venue, "BITAG", but there are others like, "Mission X" on ABS-CBN channel 2, "Imbestigador" on GMA channel 7 and Nation's Peacekeepers on Channel 13! So, why bother to try to establish a forum type data base of crimes initiated by foreigners when the PNP of the Philippines and all these TV crime reporting venues are already in the works and will suffice! Anyway, foreigners mingling in the criminal affairs of a nation probably would not be safe to do so unless directly involved in a crime! Don't end up being labeled as a foreign informer, because one may get traced and found out, then you'll really be in deep "kim chee"! So, let the Philippines take care of their own business without foreigners getting caught in the middle! Just MHO for whatever it's worth!

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PLEASE do a little time reversal and scan back to a post in December of last year (there abouts) in which I DID post my experience with a BI official. My motive which you question is simply that those of us who are subjected to this type of action on an almost daily basis are in a position to perhaps do something about it, at least bring it out into the daylight. Now...if YOU have the opinion that it is a waste of time or effort, or if YOU think that joining together to confront this and perhaps initiate something that might possibly be instrumental in resolving the issue, rest assured that YOU are entitled to own those opinions. Not to confound you with quotes, but there is one that seems to apply ...opinions are like anal pores...everyone has one.....YOU, SIR don't have to do a danged thing.....which is obviously what your post is saying you intend to do. That's fine....What I originally suggested was just that...a SUGGESTION....the quotes were intended as more motivational than justifications. As I and my suggestion have seemed to have upset you, I extend my sincerest apology to YOU. I hope you enjoy your stay here and that evolution is favorable to you in helping you develop a respiration method while your head is buried in the sand.

. . . . and yes i live here full time by the way . . .
As someone who lives here full time, you likely already know the pitfalls in making accusations as you suggest. As someone who lives here full time, you likely have the same experiences with corruption as the rest of us.And yet, I don't see you posting your experiences, not do I recommend posting details like that. My point is to question your motives for asking others to do it. Is it your assumption that members of this forum are foolish enough to jump off a cliff just because another member asked them to do it and gave a bunch of 'famous quotes' to suggest it was a justifiable request?1%20%28172%29.gif
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Posted seems that a thought that came with the morning coffee while sitting on the porch and then transformed into a post on this site has ruffled at least ONE set of feathers and caused some interesting rapport. To those whose "feathers" were ruffled more than a bit, it seems, I extend an apology. I really didn't mean to interrupt your solitude. You obviously like everything just the way it is. Nor did I intend that my use of "famous quotes", even though they were paraphrased, as emphasis rather than "justifications" to have invoked such an obvious vindictive attitude. My apologies for that also.While ones personal safety is always of prime concern and here in the Phils THAT is precarious at best, I agree with the opinion of others that to stand on a "soap box" and espouse would surely be like drawing a bulls eye on ones chest. Ergo, I was hoping that someone far wiser than I could/would/might know of a way that our collective voices (and don't forget that also represents a NOT insignificant financial input in our respective communities) could be heard.It was a thought...which apparently was a good thought, but one which should not have seen the daylight of this site/forum. Hence forth, I will be a voiceless observer and reader of this forum, unless the adminstrators deem that my account should be closed out. If that happens,,, oh well...Sorry....didn't mean to cause a stir.

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Posted (edited)

4th Dan, Who are you referring to when you said, YOU, SIR don't have to do a danged thing.....which is obviously what your post is saying you intend to do. That's fine....What I originally suggested was just that...a SUGGESTION....the quotes were intended as more motivational than justifications? My post or Dave Hounddriver's? I consider that a personal attack on your part and not following the forum rules! If our opinions pisses you off, attack the post and not the poster! In your time reversal comment seems a little too generalized without any clear specific details in what you are getting at as to what your problem was at the BI office and what the result was in fixing it if any! It looks like your problem wasn't fixed by you and now you are suggesting what you wrote in your post! There are ways in solving problems just by doing a little reseach and or just by asking the right people or officials in their particular expertise! Your suggestion of a forum type complaint center, I don't think it would get very far here in the Philippines, due to the fact that it sounds like an act of snitching on someone to be accused later of wrong doings by complying a data base of names, time, dates and their alleged offenses on an open forum! Sounds scary, like your modern day "Spanish Inquisition"! JMHO!!!!!!

Edited by Boss Man
Tried to fix quotes
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Posted the video shows police work is not children at play. LOLI am just making a small joke here and not at any one or any persons.The valued worked work of any police keeps people safe.So let them do their jobs.
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I made two posts this morning....the first one re: time reversal....was in answer to MR. Hounddrivers statement that I had NOT commented on an incident of blatant corruption at BI. Like wise the statement of not doing anything. In answer to your asking did I in fact do anything about it? Yes I in fact did try to do something about it, in the form of communicating with BI in Manila and relating the verifiable facts of the incident. After a few comminques with them...or actually TO them , I have yet to receive a reply or even an acknowledgement of receipt of my communications. Because of the bruhaha this seems to have caused I respectfully withdraw my "suggest"/"request"...and hope that everyone's day was not in anyway ruined by my maniacal ramblings. One last quote and this one is not famous, though oft used...from a character on SNL....."NEVER MIND".

PLEASE do a little time reversal and scan back to a post in December of last year (there abouts) in which I DID post my experience with a BI official. My motive which you question is simply that those of us who are subjected to this type of action on an almost daily basis are in a position to perhaps do something about it, at least bring it out into the daylight. Now...if YOU have the opinion that it is a waste of time or effort, or if YOU think that joining together to confront this and perhaps initiate something that might possibly be instrumental in resolving the issue, rest assured that YOU are entitled to own those opinions. Not to confound you with quotes, but there is one that seems to apply ...opinions are like anal pores...everyone has one.....YOU, SIR don't have to do a danged thing.....which is obviously what your post is saying you intend to do. That's fine....What I originally suggested was just that...a SUGGESTION....the quotes were intended as more motivational than justifications. As I and my suggestion have seemed to have upset you, I extend my sincerest apology to YOU. I hope you enjoy your stay here and that evolution is favorable to you in helping you develop a respiration method while your head is buried in the sand.
. . . . and yes i live here full time by the way . . .
As someone who lives here full time, you likely already know the pitfalls in making accusations as you suggest. As someone who lives here full time, you likely have the same experiences with corruption as the rest of us.And yet, I don't see you posting your experiences, not do I recommend posting details like that. My point is to question your motives for asking others to do it. Is it your assumption that members of this forum are foolish enough to jump off a cliff just because another member asked them to do it and gave a bunch of 'famous quotes' to suggest it was a justifiable request?1%20%28172%29.gif
4th Dan, Who are you referring to when you said, YOU, SIR don't have to do a danged thing.....which is obviously what your post is saying you intend to do. That's fine....What I originally suggested was just that...a SUGGESTION....the quotes were intended as more motivational than justifications? My post or Dave Hounddriver's?In your time reversal comment seems a little too generalized without any clear specific details in what you are getting at as to what your problem was at the BI office and what the result was in fixing it if any! It looks like your problem wasn't fixed by you and now you are suggesting what you wrote in your post! There are ways in solving problems just by doing a little reseach and or just by asking the right people or officials in their particular expertise! Your suggestion of a forum type complaint center, I don't think it would get very far here in the Philippines, due to the fact that it sounds like an act of snitching on someone to be accused later of wrong doings by complying a data base of names, time, dates and their alleged offenses on an open forum! Sounds scary, like a modern day "Spanish Inquisition"!
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Mr Lee
Posted seems that a thought that came with the morning coffee while sitting on the porch and then transformed into a post on this site has ruffled at least ONE set of feathers and caused some interesting rapport. To those whose "feathers" were ruffled more than a bit, it seems, I extend an apology. I really didn't mean to interrupt your solitude. You obviously like everything just the way it is. Nor did I intend that my use of "famous quotes", even though they were paraphrased, as emphasis rather than "justifications" to have invoked such an obvious vindictive attitude. My apologies for that also.While ones personal safety is always of prime concern and here in the Phils THAT is precarious at best, I agree with the opinion of others that to stand on a "soap box" and espouse would surely be like drawing a bulls eye on ones chest. Ergo, I was hoping that someone far wiser than I could/would/might know of a way that our collective voices (and don't forget that also represents a NOT insignificant financial input in our respective communities) could be heard.It was a thought...which apparently was a good thought, but one which should not have seen the daylight of this site/forum. Hence forth, I will be a voiceless observer and reader of this forum, unless the adminstrators deem that my account should be closed out. If that happens,,, oh well...Sorry....didn't mean to cause a stir.
Sir you will not be banned for speaking your mind, we just appreciate it if members attack the posts and not each other. Differing points of view is what makes forums a great place to discuss things. The replies you did not get from BI is typical of what many of us have already experienced, and thus some of the feelings that nothing here will change. I myself have reported some goings on and nothing was ever done about it. It seems that is the culture here from the top to the bottom, so no one doing anything to change it is the norm IMHO. Just to pass on a a little story that is not about the Philippines, I once had a job and found out something really terrible about the higher ups, so I passed it along above them, only to find out that the people above them were in bed with the higher ups, sort of like here in the Philippines. So I believe it is good for us to voice our opinions on the forums, just not name names, because that will probably cause us problems. I know for a fact that govt officials and news people read forums, so all we can hope is that they pick up on the discontent of some of the foreigners living here and finally do something about it. We can make a change, only it has to be with them thinking it is their idea of wanting to do it. The president seems to want to change things, so we can all hope that someday with our comments, and with people in govt who actually give a damn, maybe things will eventually change. With that said, let me ask all members to attack the post and not the poster.
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