Radioman arrested for libel

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ILIGAN CITY—A broadcaster who was allegedly assaulted by a city councilor inside the booth of a radio station during an early morning program last year was arrested yesterday for two libel cases filed by the official. View the full article

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th_thholysheep.gif So, that can happen to forum members also IMHO, held for libel for bashing or attacking Filipinos or other members on a forum, it isn't too far fetched, no one knows the mentality of the Filipinos bent on revenge to get even! That's probably the reason for avatars, in order to be anonymous making it hard to trace a forum member's identity! Just think, you'll never know until one lands in the Philippines if they have a case against them for libel or slander due to their bashing activities on forums slandering people or government officials! The PNP could just be waiting at the Immigration line upon one's arrival! A scary thought ain't it? No wonder some forum members are shy to post on forums and I don't blame them, because anything can happen when one is in the Philippines or planning a trip here! It's JMHO!
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Mr Lee
th_thholysheep.gif So, that can happen to forum members also IMHO, held for libel for bashing or attacking Filipinos or other members on a forum, it isn't too far fetched, no one knows the mentality of the Filipinos bent on revenge to get even! That's probably the reason for avatars, in order to be anonymous making it hard to trace a forum member's identity! Just think, you'll never know until one lands in the Philippines if they have a case against them for libel or slander due to their bashing activities on forums slandering people or government officials! The PNP could just be waiting at the Immigration line upon one's arrival! A scary thought ain't it? No wonder some forum members are shy to post on forums and I don't blame them, because anything can happen when one is in the Philippines or planning a trip here! It's JMHO!
Thank you Art for your opinion. I do not think people need to not post on forums about corruption, but what I do think is that it could be considered libelous if names were to be mentioned, so IMHO never mention names, but since I know that some news and govt people read forums to find out what we have to say and think, and that we know what is going on that is wrong, and needs to be corrected, posting about it lets the world know and therefore makes the whole Philippines look bad, something they do not wish to happen, so maybe someday they will fix the problem.
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Jim Sibbick

Lots of government and non government Philippines organisations read these forums. As well as law enforcement agencies from outside the Philippines. I used to host another forum well known to many members here. When we had the nightlife section, we were contacted by NBI regarding some of the posts. The forum had the Cebu City seal on the home page. The forum was front page news in Cebu City, where it was claimed that the city was supporting prostitution because the city seal was on a forum discussing adult night life in Cebu City.The day of the newspaper article was the biggest day for hits on my website as all sorts of government departmenst crawled through my website looking for anything lewd. I don't have anything lewd whatsoever on my website despite what some members here thought in the past where a glitch in the system displayed the website in my signature as Philippine sexperience instead of philippines experience. A member on that same forum informed me that the FBI were reading all his posts. I am also aware that Australian authorities were reading posts too. So, the lesson for owneres of forums is to keep all adverse political discussion out of the forums. And for posters, to be aware of what you are posting as who knows who is reading it.Regards: Jim Sibbick

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I believe I have read elsewhere that for libel to be charged, damage has to be done to a specific person...although it is not necessary to name is sufficient that they be easily identifiable. So, for example, to say something "bad" about the Provisional Police might not result in a libel charge, saying something bad about the Provisional Police Chief or the Senior Inspector could get you sued even without a name being given.At least that's my understanding.

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Mr Lee
I believe I have read elsewhere that for libel to be charged, damage has to be done to a specific person...although it is not necessary to name is sufficient that they be easily identifiable. So, for example, to say something "bad" about the Provisional Police might not result in a libel charge, saying something bad about the Provisional Police Chief or the Senior Inspector could get you sued even without a name being given.At least that's my understanding.
Good points, yes my wording was wrong, names or identifiers that could only mean that particular person could probably be used to charge a person. There is only one police chief and one mayor, one governor and so on, so nothing specific would be best.
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  • Forum Support

It’s difficult to know what the facts are in this dispute. It could be the media man had some real trash on the politician causing him to lose face. We should all keep in mind that many of the “Radio Block Timers” and other broadcasters will blackmail people threatening real or make-believe story’s.

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  • Forum Support
th_thholysheep.gif So, that can happen to forum members also IMHO, held for libel for bashing or attacking Filipinos or other members on a forum, it isn't too far fetched, no one knows the mentality of the Filipinos bent on revenge to get even! That's probably the reason for avatars, in order to be anonymous making it hard to trace a forum member's identity! Just think, you'll never know until one lands in the Philippines if they have a case against them for libel or slander due to their bashing activities on forums slandering people or government officials! The PNP could just be waiting at the Immigration line upon one's arrival! A scary thought ain't it? No wonder some forum members are shy to post on forums and I don't blame them, because anything can happen when one is in the Philippines or planning a trip here! It's JMHO!
Art, reasonable opinion as found in this forum would very unlikely be cause for concern. Awhile back I posted in detail a very prominent person that my wife and I bribed. Lee was good enough to edit my post removing the dates and another key detail. Thanks for having my back Lee! ;^) So I do agree with you Art…. truly “calling out” a prominent Filipino online could put one a risk not a wise thing to do IMO.
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Mr Lee
Art, reasonable opinion as found in this forum would very unlikely be cause for concern. Awhile back I posted in detail a very prominent person that my wife and I bribed. Lee was good enough to edit my post removing the dates and another key detail. Thanks for having my back Lee! ;^) So I do agree with you Art…. truly “calling out” a prominent Filipino online could put one a risk not a wise thing to do IMO.
You are welcome, I try hard to have everyones back but sometimes it is not seen that way. All I can do is do my best.
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Posted (edited)

What about if a forum that was established by a foreigner living here in the Philippines and it's members are wide spread and are constantly attacking and accusing a U.S.Government agency of wrong doings! What repercussions can the U.S. Government do to those forum members, if any? This said forum I know of has been running now for less than a year and it's forum members are still on the attack voicing their complaints and accusations against a particular U.S. Government agency and they are even in the process of suing this particular agency! What does anyone think about that? Ballsy eh, taking on the U.S. Government? Pretty tolerant of that said U.S. Government agency of the attacks and have not yet shut down the website in question and even people's real names are all listed on this said forum I'm relating to indirectly as to not name names! I'm not talking about politics here in what's going on, but of retirees being treated unjustly here in the Philippines and now they are up in arms and fighting for their rights! This issue is some what a big deal, if and when it makes to the news media! Just have to wait and see because it's still in the works this minute where members of this said U.S. Government agency has already sent representatives to the Philippines on a fact finding mission to maybe resolve this issue in a proper venue and sensible way hosted by the U.S. American Embassy in Manila! I guess you all may read it in the local news eventually since it is causing a big stir up in Capitol Hill! It's just all about rules, policies and procedures forced upon U.S. Government retirees living in the Philippines which they feel is unjust! And maybe that's why this particular forum has not been shutdown, because it may violate some U.S, Civil Rights even though it involves retirees living in the Philippines! It is really a serious issue, but is has been a silents issue for almost a decade or two and enough is enough! So, some forums can be helpful, but it's still a long shot of uncertainties weather it will change things for the better of U.S. Government retirees living in the Philippines! I'm sort of within this topic, because members on this said forum I've been referring to, has or is suing an agency of the U.S. Government! th_thholysheep.gif Heaven forbid if a forum and it's foreign members would do that here to a Philippine Government agency, I think everyone knows what will happen for sure!

Edited by Art2ro
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