Osama Bin Laden Killed By U.s. Strike

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I don't wanna be a jerk or nothing..... but he kind of won. It took 10 years..... trillions of dollars...... thousand of more lives from soldiers and innocents in the middle east..... he was on dialysis, and shouldn't have made it this long..... if it took any longer, he probably would've killed himself. Everyone's celebrating, but it feels like an amazing play at the end of a 50 point blow out (basketball).

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Dave Hounddriver
I don't wanna be a jerk or nothing..... but he kind of won. It took 10 years
Whew, finally a time in my life where I can be glad of being a loser whistling.gifRather a live loser than a dead winner. But I see your point. My point is that if you allow him to let you think he won, then he did.If he had been arrested and tried and put on death row 10 years ago he would be executed about now, they just skipped the middle men.
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th_thholysheep.gifI'm truly amazed that it took 10 years to get Osama Bin Laden! Look what the U.S. did in the 1989 invasion of Panama just to get Noriega! http://www.onwar.com...anamaus1989.htmMakes one wonder why the U.S. dragged their feet in getting Bin Laden! What a waste of time, money and lives just to get one man! It will not deter terrorists from from their objectives, since Bin Laden still has thousands of followers to do his dirty deeds for years to come! It's just a matter of when, where and how! So, be afraid, really afraid! These terrorists (not all Muslims mind you), which Obama pointed out in his speech, won't stop unless each and every one of them are 6ft under! SugarwareZ-034.gif

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