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Mr Lee
Is this just your opinion or are these facts about naive women?Are these facts of what happens to people who choose to work in a bar, lured by the promise of easy money? do you know if anyone has been lured by this or is it just your opinion of how things are?
Yes I know of one young lady who was lured with the promise of a supposedly great job as a Guest Relations Officer and had no idea what that meant, the results were not good and she had no way out. Ended up pregnant with no parental supervision around after growing up in the communal life of a naive underage province girl, and then her supposed work friends were the only support group she then had. Unfortunately it does happen all the time.
Theres always a story but no proof, of course there will be a few cases of naive people but it is an assumption that it happens all the time!
To me, anyone who does the crime deserves to go to jail, but if innocent, then the system here failed and often does, not only here, but everywhere. As for your statement above, I do not need any more proof, than it happening to someone I know. I think what you and Jim Sibbick seem to forget, is that once bit by the bug, it then becomes hard to go home. So once a girl does the deed and gets more money than she has ever seen in a weeks worth of hard work, then she feels she has already done the deed, does not know that she can get pregnant, get a disease, is naive about anything and everything related to sex and life, so she most often stays on. Sort of like anything we have never done before, and then do it once, our feelings change about it, and since we now did it and it is now over and maybe it was not so bad, then comes the next and the next and the next, and then they are in the life. So have any of you bothered to ask how these girls got into that life? I have and it seems with quite a few, not all, that friends brought them in, so were they really friends, I guess it all depends on your POV about those things, but to me, taking a naive province girl who may work a whole day in a field, or watch her family do it, to earn p100 or p200 a day, and then gets many more times that for doing the deed, kind of makes it hard for them to turn back, since they already did it, but had they never experienced the quick peso, would they still be in that life. I do not think so, but that is just me and who am I to judge anyone. Why do drug addicts or alcoholics become addicted, because it becomes easier each time they do it and then they are hooked. As I have said in the past, I would have no problem with them stripping if that was allowed here, but having sex with strangers who most often refuse to wear protection can have consequences, ask some of those girls how many children they have, often it is quite a few for their young age, well from those I asked.
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Well the subject is really about trafficking so anymore posts on the morals of working in a bar will be deleted
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Dave Hounddriver

So have any of you bothered to ask how these girls got into that life?
Of course. I'm sure everyone who has ever been with a shady lady has made small talk. Can you trust the sob story they will tell you? I think some members have soft hearts and rose colored glasses if they believe the girls are being trafficked.Some girls have caring family members who will search for them and the result is the news story in the opening post. Other girls have already been written off by their family and those girls are not virgins when they enter the bars. With that second type of girl it is simply logical to get more money 'doing it' in the bar than they were getting from the locals in their home barangay. That is not trafficking, its capitalism at work in the Phils.
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Mr Lee

Interesting quote in that story.

Paying a trafficked person for sex is punishable by community service at the first offence, with a year-long prison term for repeat offenders.
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Mr Lee

Be forewarned, IMHO it is going to get a lot hotter for those foreigners who own those type of places, read the below story and quote from Binay. Whether we like it or not, they call it and prosecute it as trafficking. Binay welcomes US offer of support vs human trafficking

“We must demonstrate greater results in efficiently investigating, prosecuting, and convicting both labor and sex trafficking offenders involved in the trafficking of Filipinos in the country and abroad; increase our efforts to vigorously investigate and prosecute government officials complicit in trafficking; dedicate more resources and personnel to prosecuting trafficking cases and devote increased resources to victim and witness protection,” he said.
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  • 2 weeks later...

What a disgrace.If I was Bill Gates, I'd donate money too all those girls and set them free.Those exploiting them for personal interest should be castrated at the very least.

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