Tampo, Or Going Quiet

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Mr Lee

In my wifes case, it was because I speak emphatically often, so she used to take that as me yelling at her. The deafer I get, the louder I seem to speak, so she finally started to understand and rarely gets mad at me nowadays, well for that anyway. lol Once she had been in the US for a while and had met a lot of Americans and others, and saw that many speak that way, and once I pointed out to her that she too speaks that way when she gets upset with me for not understanding something she said and has to repeat it, then it more or less stopped. I suggest you all watch your tone of voice and see if that improves the situation, and also explain emphatic speaking to your wife, so she knows the difference.

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In my wifes case, it was because I speak emphatically often, so she used to take that as me yelling at her. The deafer I get, the louder I seem to speak, so she finally started to understand and rarely gets mad at me nowadays, well for that anyway. lol Once she had been in the US for a while and had met a lot of Americans and others, and saw that many speak that way, and once I pointed out to her that she too speaks that way when she gets upset with me for not understanding something she said and has to repeat it, then it more or less stopped. I suggest you all watch your tone of voice and see if that improves the situation, and also explain emphatic speaking to your wife, so she knows the difference.
On my next trip to the Philippines I intend to visit the head catholic guy to add in your wife's name as a possible saint. I don't know when her book is due out.... but I am sure it will be a best seller in the Philippines! Hehehehehehehehe
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