Philpippine Law

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A 17 yrs old Pinoy has sex with a14 yr old Pinay...makes her pregnant, disappears..suprise!suprise!Is he liable under law for under age sex with her..he 17, she 14? EDITING>>>>>and this, again, is a true situation I have encountered ...will there be another deletion?
I feel for you Roy. Anyone has the right to be angered about this 14 year old Pinay. Unfortunately, this is common throughout the Philippines. Her case is NOT unique, believe me. One of the possible outcomes is what to do with the unborn baby -- I have personally seen an aborted fetus in a glass jar because life is too cheap to some people. Furthermore, the justice system can be bought (hoodlum in ropes), witnesses paid off or made to disappear. Your battle to seek justice my fall on deaf ears, unless of course you're willing to pursue the case with great amount of cash AND you're willing to be exposed to some serious repercussion from the guilty party. In many cases, they will not sacrifice "losing face" no matter how guilty they are.Respectfully -- Jake
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A 17 yrs old Pinoy has sex with a14 yr old Pinay...makes her pregnant, disappears..suprise!suprise!Is he liable under law for under age sex with her..he 17, she 14?
I would not worry too much about that scumbag, after all he is only 17, and still a kid himself. The damage is done. What is more important, is to look after, and emphasize with the 14 year old girl ! She needs all the love and support she can get now, instead of anger an revenge ! Think of the affects this emotional roller coaster is having on her !I feel for you Roy, and I would probably feel the same, but take care of the girl first, she and the baby need you !
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This happens in Australia and all over the world,children are having sex younger than they did 30 years ago. At 14 a female is about 2 years more mature than a male.Did she know what she was doing? My guess yes unless she was raped but I dont read that in the topic here.The issues it seems that Roy has is that the 17 year old boy took off once he found out she was pregnant,not uncommon anywhere.So what to do about it,calm down and think logical rather than being on a mission to get someone.One can think about the girl, does she need extra stress at this time?What will be achieved by perhaps putting the law on to him and he is not yet an adult either by western standards so he may be treated as a child with a slap on the wrist.Lets roll back a little,did the girls parents know she had a 17 year old boyfriend,if so then think about what you did at 17 and why was she allowed to do so.The horse has bolted,get over it and support the girl now as revenge will only make you more bitter than you are.

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Yeah, I feel for your anger Roy, but what's new? This same situation happens a thousand times a day all over the world, Western countries - perhaps especially - being no exception. She's probably better off without him. What will most likely happen here is that she'll spend the rest of her life taking care of this kid, working odd jobs to make ends-meat, and at the end of the day, she'll be no different than 1/3 of the population. OR.... her parents and other family will actually raise the kid, she'll continue to study, and if she's smart, WON'T get pregnant again before finishing college, if that's an option. OR... if she's not smart, her family takes care of the kid and she gets knocked up again before she's out of high school or college. But that's not so different from the rest of the world.

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Mr Lee

Roy please let me add one more thing to this. Most likely you are getting this info second hand and if that is the case, then it often does not always translate 100% and complete. It does take two to tango and sometimes the female can be just as guilty as the male. Thinking back to my teenage years, I had a few girls younger than I was at the time who wanted sex for one reason or another, and it often ended up in unprotected sex and one time protected sex where the condom broke. So while I am not blaming the girl in the situation you named, no one likes to claim responsibility for their actions, so they often turn the story around to make the other partner the bad one, after all, what does a 14 yo or a 17 yo actually know about responsibility for their actions. I remember a post member Bruce made about a 14 yo prostitute in Samar and that amazed me, but since poverty is everywhere, once thinking about it, it did not surprise me anymore. So age in the Philippines really has nothing to do with sex, unless it is sex with an older foreigner and then it can mean life in prison for one of us. I believe quite a few underage girls in the Philippines nowadays have sex, as do quite a few worldwide, and having sex in a country where condoms are not easily gotten by the poor, can and will usually result in pregnancy because most women in the Philippines seem exceptionally fertile. Now add to that being young and foolish, and you get what seems to have happened, but we also have to remember that many young women in the Philippines hope to get pregnant since having a child seems to be the main goal of many.

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  • 3 months later...

A quick update.....have been on trail of this.When the family of low life larva of fly ('maggot ' did upset some folk) heard the news there was a rapid evacuation of where they lived. All disappeared into night.....Lleyte I believe the destination.However, the girl was due to give birth mid October but now has problems with 'blood count'...too low...and, seriously here, either or both of their lives could be at risk at birth.It has been recommended (stressed) she go to give birth at a 'specialist' hospital in city as opposed to the normal routine.Now, the cost could range between 50,000 to 200,000 pesos depending on severity of situation. Her family can't afford that.Where does this maggot become accountable for that? It's his kid...he ###### an underage there's possibly fatal consequences.Any advice, ideas?

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Yeah, I feel for your anger Roy, but what's new? This same situation happens a thousand times a day all over the world, Western countries - perhaps especially - being no exception. She's probably better off without him. What will most likely happen here is that she'll spend the rest of her life taking care of this kid, working odd jobs to make ends-meat, and at the end of the day, she'll be no different than 1/3 of the population. OR.... her parents and other family will actually raise the kid, she'll continue to study, and if she's smart, WON'T get pregnant again before finishing college, if that's an option. OR... if she's not smart, her family takes care of the kid and she gets knocked up again before she's out of high school or college. But that's not so different from the rest of the world.
Yes, that is true, but then 'fathers' are made accountable by the governments of western countries to provide. Usually named CSA...child support, the low life dead beats can disappear and run from responsibilty
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I feel for you Roy. I truly hope the mother and baby will be OK.This is so typical. The father will scamper off to hide with relatives living in another town or island. The “law” will do nothing simply because there is no benefit for them to make any effort. It’s unlikely even if the mother or baby were to die that action would be taken. If the boys family has recourses it could be they could be held accountable for “blood money” but that would be difficult to prosecute. This happens every day and nothing you can do about it. If on the other hand you get all wound up in this it could affect your safety. You need to think this through. Making threats on a public forum is not wise.

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A quick update.....have been on trail of this.When the family of low life larva of fly ('maggot ' did upset some folk) heard the news there was a rapid evacuation of where they lived. All disappeared into night.....Lleyte I believe the destination.However, the girl was due to give birth mid October but now has problems with 'blood count'...too low...and, seriously here, either or both of their lives could be at risk at birth.It has been recommended (stressed) she go to give birth at a 'specialist' hospital in city as opposed to the normal routine.Now, the cost could range between 50,000 to 200,000 pesos depending on severity of situation. Her family can't afford that.Where does this maggot become accountable for that? It's his kid...he ###### an underage there's possibly fatal consequences.Any advice, ideas?
When my wife gave birth to her first two kids from her ex, the grandmother had stressed that she NOT go to a hospital because "they'll finger you and intrude in your privacy with lots of people standing around watching, and it's no good," so my wife gave birth at home with a midwife assisting. It was only when we returned a decade after the fact, witnessing what other local women went through that it dawned her how dangerous that decision was and that it was money motivated. In Taiwan when she gave birth to our first daughter, we had to kickstart the labor (forget the word at the moment), and her placenta took dangerously long to come out. Had she been giving birth at home and that stuff happened, she could've died. So, yeah, she took offense to it years and years later, realizing that she was was valued so little and compromised so much just so her man's family could save coin.
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Steve & Myrlita
Posted (edited)
When my wife gave birth to her first two kids from her ex, the grandmother had stressed that she NOT go to a hospital because "they'll finger you and intrude in your privacy with lots of people standing around watching, and it's no good," so my wife gave birth at home with a midwife assisting. It was only when we returned a decade after the fact, witnessing what other local women went through that it dawned her how dangerous that decision was and that it was money motivated. In Taiwan when she gave birth to our first daughter, we had to kickstart the labor (forget the word at the moment), and her placenta took dangerously long to come out. Had she been giving birth at home and that stuff happened, she could've died. So, yeah, she took offense to it years and years later, realizing that she was was valued so little and compromised so much just so her man's family could save coin.
I believe it's called "Induced Labor". Edited by Steve & Myrlita
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